phpBB • PHPBB3.2 No Robots.txt ?

Hello all, I recently upgraded to phpbb3.2 and decided to check the google web tools site, too my suprise when I clicked on the robots.txt checker it showed ...

'app.php' Robots.txt rule disallow - phpBB

Create my own robots.txt file to prevent google from wasting time indexing uninteresting routes on my website, such as 'memberlist.php?

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phpBB • robots.txt?

I have a general error in my log saying I'm missing robots.txt. I just read a 5 year old thread here that phpbb doesn't use robots.txt???

As adding a robot.txt to phpBB?

I would like to add a robots.txt file to my phpbb, by the following reasons: - My forum has sections do not want indexed.

PHPBB Robots.txt Rules? - Stack Overflow

You can only disallow directories via robots.txt, not files. First, remove the asterisks from the directories. Disallow: /adm/ Disallow: / ...

Creating a robots.txt Files - phpBB

It's just a text file, made in something like notepad with that text in and saved as robots.txt. It's nothing special, no coding knowledge is ...

robots.txt for phpBB forum

If I'm running the latest phpBB forum, which parts should I have included in robots.txt so they don't get spidered?

phpBB • Robot.txt

i am considering creating robot.txt for my phpbb forum 3.2 because spiders are crawling almost all the areas of the forum.

phpBB • [ABD] - robots.txt for phpBB 3

MOD Description: this file save your board from bots. MOD Version: Beta: 1.0.0. MOD Download: files in topic developed on: ...

phpBB • Block all search engines indexing To block all bots from your site, simply put this in a file named robots.txt: Code: Select all. User ...